Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Plus - Can be a great way to attract visual learners with content and make connections.
- Can be a new way of encouraging students to explore different ways of presenting assessment.
- Can be altered at any time and once scaffolded is easy to use.
- Has many different applications for example an interactive powerpoint.

Minus - Is easy to put to include to much written information.
- Can be difficult for the younger years to use.
- It can distract from presenter and become a replacement instead of a reinforcement.
- Teaching students to rely on powerpoint may be preparing them for a world that has gone beyond it.

Interesting - It is said they are often over used, however i have never known about or seen anyone use powerpoint for its interactive capabilities with easy to use hyperlinking.

My first introduction to powerpoint was last year in my first year at CQU. I have used powerpoint twice for assessment and this was for group presentations with basic powerpoint functions used. Learning powerpoint with others was definately helpful as i had no idea what it was at the beginning of my degree and scaffolding would be essential for students.

Kearsley&Shneiderman's Engagement Theory (2001) states that "The role of technology in the theory is to facilitate all aspects of engagement". The interactive powerpoint tutorial was impressive i had no idea that you could do that with powerpoint and easy hyperlinking function to create a guided presentation what a bonus. This kind of reminded me of a web quest but alot easier to use with each activity being able to be hyperlinked. The learning manager could also create interactive learning as the hook to the beginning of a lesson. This element to powerpoints has given me more inspiration to use them in the future and could be an interesting way for my dance students to present their assessment pieces.
I have one more point to make about powerpoint. It is a great tool for the classroom, however we must make sure as teachers that we are not using this tool for the new calk and talk. We must remember to use many ways of engaging our learners just because you are using technology in the classroom does not mean all learners are engaged.

Click here - In regards to a conversation between Jasmin and myself on powerpoint as a learning tool in the classroom.


  1. Hi Nina,
    This information is great! I think that PowerPoint presentations are wonderful because of their simplicity. The use of hyperlinking makes them even better and in my opinion, minimises the time to get to a particular slide. I have read that slides are very effective with the use of more pictures rather than words. What is your opinion on this?

  2. Hey Jasmin,
    Thanks for commenting on my post and for the great feedback. Yes i would think that the more pictures used would create far more interest for students than a heap of words. I don't know about you but if there is to much writing on a slide i automatically tune out. I much prefer You tube clips and pictures for connections with content and i reacon most kids do.
