Wednesday, July 14, 2010


A blog is like my own personal diary that people can comment on if they wish. A wiki is also similar, however your wiki can be changed by others sort of like a sharing email that your friends can edit to create communal communication. So its like a collaborative website with unlimited number of pages and files.
This would be a great way of getting students to address any questions on content being taught at school and a place where students can post information and thoughts on a subject or even help each other with ideas on upcoming assignments ect. This can also help the teacher with insight into where students are at with the subject and whether they need extra help and so on.
Dance often does not involve alot of time with computers, however with proper scaffolding of how to operate a wiki would be great in dance. They could upload videos of their final dance pieces on their wiki and other classmates could give constructive input on where they could improve and where they went well. This would also be a great way for student's to show off their dance ability to others.

Positives of a wiki - Gives you more time for editing and getting down ideas.
- Instantly collaborative without having to email documents and downloading them at the other end.
- Everyone has a say and is available anywhere with internet connection.

Negatives of a wiki - Might not always be appropriate to be public due to unproductive content of other users.
- Need to be reasonably tech-savvy with the concept of text markup and not obvious when needing to back up your wiki software.

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